Knox County:
SAIL (Symbiosis Arts Interactive Learning)
Contact: sailartslearning@gmail.com
Meets on Tuesday at Mountain View United Methodist Church 3200 Maryville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920
We are a unique Christian arts co-op that provides artistic and collaborative experiences for ages 4-18+. Courses include theatre, stage combat, dance, stage & effect makeup, film-making, cooking & catering, personal finance, props, drawing, speech and debate, etc.
Classical Conversations
Contact: katiehamtown@gmail.com
Meets on Fridays
Truth Trekkers Christian Homeschool Co-op-K-12th Grade
Meets on Mondays at Fort Hill Baptist Church
Sevier Ave., Knoxville
Email TTHomeschool@gmail.com
Trinity Christian Academy
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1743013142679062-Facebook group
Meets on Mondays at Trinity Community Church
Central Ave Pike, Knoxville
Email tcaknox@yahoo.com
Thursday Connection-K-12th Grade
Meets on Thursdays at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Nubbin Ridge Rd, Knoxville
Email michelle.bickers@thursdayconnection.org
River’s Edge Christian Academy-K4-12th Grade
We are an academy meeting on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursday at 3 locations in Knoxville
Call 865-212-5575 or email maincampus@riversedgeca.com
Master’s Mondays-6th-12th Grade
Meets on Mondays at West Park Baptist Church
Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville
Email newfamilyatmm@gmail.com
Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative-Pre-K-8th Grade
Meets on Monday-Thursday (Fridays for Friday U Elective Classes)
Cokesbury Church, Kingston Pike, Knoxville
Call 865-444-4574
Quest Academy Homeschool Co-op-Infant-12th Grade
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1683920361836652-Facebook group
Meets on Tuesdays at Virtue Church, Virtue Rd, Farragut
Call 865-604-2070 or email Quest.academy@gmail.com
Heart Christian Academy-Knoxville Campus-Jr K-8th Grade
Knoxville campus Facebook Group-https://www.facebook.com/groups/629295068101747
Call 865-229-6075 or email DirectorKnoxville@HeartChristianAcademy.org
Meets at Parkway Baptist Church
Freedom Home Educators
Call 865-384-7631 or email freedomknoxcoop@yahoo.com
Adventure Homeschoolers of East TN Field Trip And Co-op Group (20+) Adventure Homeschoolers of East TN Field Trip And Co-op Group | Facebook) (Heiskell)
Discovery Co-op-K-12th Grade
Meets on Wednesdays at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Nubbin Ridge Rd, Knoxville
Call 865-661-4967 or email knoxdiscoverycoop@gmail.com
Cedar Springs Homeschool Group
Cedar Springs Presbyterian Homeschool Mothers Group
Classical Conversations-K4-12th Grade
Knoxville, Farragut, Lenoir City, Maryville, Oak Ridge locations
Penelope Whaley classes -- Weekly classes for middle & high school
Hickey Rd, Knoxville
CEEC -- Christian -- Weekly classes for K-12th grades ceec.school.info@gmail.com
Shelley Powers Classical Academy
Broadwood Dr, Knoxville
The Schole Fellowship -- K-12th grade classes such as art, history, memory work, English Grammar and composition, science, Bible, great books/Western Culture. Meets at Fellowship Church
8000 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville
Anderson County:
Classical Conversations Oak Ridge and Hardin Valley Area
Contact: jlewen@classicalconversations.com
Meets on Tuesdays
Blount County:
Raising Arrows Homeschool Fellowship-Infant-12th Grade
Meets on Mondays in Seymour and Fridays in Central Maryville
Call 425-344-1566 or email info@raisingarrowstn.com
Blount Home Education Association
Meets on Mondays (high school) & Wednesdays (elementary and middle) in Maryville
offers support group, activities, field trips, clubs, enrichment classes
Alcoa Maryville Church of God Homeschool Ministry- K-8th Grade
East Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville
Bezalel Fine Arts Co-op
Meets on Tuesdays at Beech Grove Baptist Church, Louisville, TN
Email info@bezalelschool.org
Classical Conversations-K4-12th Grade
Knoxville, Farragut, Lenoir City, Maryville, Oak Ridge locations
Surrounding Areas:
AliYah Academy
Resource Center 1st North St, Morristown
Call 865-297-6940
Axis Academy -- Math and Computer study labs
Edge Co-op-K-12th Grade
Meets on Tuesdays at Seymour Heights Christian Church
Boyds Creek Hwy, Seymour
SailAway Learning & Academy
Armour Rd, Kingston
Call 865-376-7005 or email homeschool@sailawaylearning.com
Harriman Baptist Tabernacle Homeschool Co-op-K-12th Grade
Meets on Wednesdays at Harriman Baptist Tabernacle
Old Roane St, Harriman
Call 865-882-5808 or email hbthomeschool@gmail.com
Covenant Christian School-Lenoir City campus-PreK-12th Grade
Meets at the old Country Kinfolk Barn, Hickman St, Lenoir City
Email Knoxville@cov.school or call 509-768-6645
Crossroads Christian Academy-K4-12th Grade
Martel Rd, Lenoir City
Call 865-986-9823 or email cca@ccatn.com
Lakeway Heritage Community Co-op-K-12th Grade
Meets on Tuesdays at Grace Community Church
McGuire Rd, New Market, TN
Email lakewayhomeschoolcc@gmail.com
Forever Family Homeschoolers-Infant-12th Grade
Meets on Fridays - Fairview Rd, Corryton
Email foreverfamilyhomeschoolers@gmail.com
Area Facebook Groups:
East Tennessee Homeschool Connection-Facebook Group
Mask-Free Christian Homeschoolers Knox & Blount County, Tennessee-Facebook group – no enrichment classes but LOTS of support and meetups
Please contact any group you are interested in for the latest information. This list is not conclusive, and we welcome new listings at info@smhea.org.
This list is a service of THEA’s Smoky Mountain Chapter. We were created when we obtained our homeschooling freedoms in 1984 and we exist to keep them! Join us for $30/year per family for Advocacy-Connection-Support! We need each other. www.SMHEA.org
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Support Groups
What's the Difference?
These Groups are a great way to meet like minded friends and find the support you need in teaching a subject or simply getting ideas for your homeschooling. They are all very different , contact the groups or instructors directly to find one that fits your needs and style.
Co-ops are generally parents that get together to share knowledge, skills, and resources to teach classes in groups. Most require parent participation of some kind. They are usually reasonably priced classes due to the shared parent help.
Tutorials hired teachers or tutors for a small group, such as pod schools or hybrid homeschools. Parents are less likely required to participate in a tutorial and it may be a drop off situation if desired. For the sake of this list we are including any type of paid instruction. These can be small groups or private tutors and types of classes can range widely. They usually cost more due to the hired tutor or instructor but are usually worth it for the specialized help.
Support Groups are usually social groups for parents or families. Some may have structured activities for the children others may be a mom's group to share ideas or just take a break. These are generally free or very low cost.