Want to know what is really in the Governor's Educational Freedom Scholarship Act?
Don’t miss THEA’s live streamed Town Hall meeting Monday. Two leading homeschool/private school experts will tell the truth about Governor Lee’s school voucher/school choice initiative. What are the true consequences of $7K public money in parents’ hands?
The discussion will answer questions regarding what these funds mean for homeschoolers and all TN residents and expose concerning language in the proposed bills. You’ll learn how the initial hundreds of millions of dollars will escalate annually and potentially impact every student and family in Tennessee.
They will discuss how this can impact your freedoms in regard to testing and curriculum, as well as educational and special needs services provided to your students through your local schools. In addition, we will point out the potential jeopardy to privacy due to data collection through third parties.
Families MUST get involved. Homeschooling freedoms are at risk. The proposed bills will affect every public and private school student, not just Category IV homeschooled students. We must rally around each other and protect our hard-fought liberties. They are in jeopardy.
Dr. Brenda Murphy will interview Kelli O’Connor and Dr. Eric Potter to expose what they have discovered in the bills and their impact based on what other states experienced after enacting school voucher/ESA programs.
Dr. Murphy is the President of SailAway Learning & Academy and an advisor to the THEA Board of Directors. Mrs. O’Connor is a homeschool advocate in East Tennessee and an avid student of the policies and the officials who implement those policies across the state. Dr. Potter is a highly regarded functional-medicine physician in Franklin and a strong advocate of homeschooling freedoms in Tennessee.
